2nd lockdown - Rumbletums will be open for takeaway

Rumbletums is delighted to inform you that we will be STAYING OPEN for TAKEAWAY ONLY from Thursday 5th November onwards.
We are also able to carry on providing a training service for all of our amazing trainees, so if you pop in to pick up a takeaway from us you will be able to say hi. It makes us feel good that we are able to carry on providing this essential and valuable service for them, and they will carry on brightening up the Cafe with their ongoing enthusiasm and positivity.
We also have some special offers during November which you will see in our menu below. Please phone in advance wherever possible and we will have freshly prepared food and drink ready for you at your specified pick up time. Our phone number is 0115 9384953.
We thank you all for your ongoing valuable support so far, and please carry on supporting us during these difficult times. We hope you are all safe and well and we look forward to seeing you.
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